This District Service Committee is organized in compliance with the 9th Tradition, so that our meetings, their members, and the general public may be served more effectively than could be done by the meetings individually. Our geographical territory includes mainly the northern part of Los Angeles County, known as the San Fernando Valley.

Services of this Committee include:

  • Acting as a communications center for local meetings.
  • Publishing a directory of local M.A. meetings.
  • Serving as a conduit for communications to and from MA World services and our local members.
  • Organizing and publicizing social events and fundraising activities.
  • Maintaining a supply of approved books and literature.
  • Maintaining a supply of sobriety Chips.
  • Maintaining M.A. listing in telephone directories.
  • Maintaining our District web site.
  • Handling public information at the local level.
  • Facilitating outreach and meetings at local hospitals and institutions.
  • Forming local committees to research and carry out any services necessary for improving 12-Step work.

These activities are supported by the voluntary contributions of meetings within District 6. An accounting of funds received is made at each monthly District Service Committee Meeting. Funds in excess of our prudent reserve are forwarded to MA World Services.

Every M.A. meeting in District 6 is automatically a member of this committee; entitled to representation and a vote at each D.S.C. meeting. Any M.A. member is a welcome guest at all monthly D.S.C. meetings.

Voting is done by designated D.S.C. officers, Committee Chairpersons, and the Group Service Reps. In the absence of Committee Chairpersons or G.S.R.s, informed alternates may vote.